Просмотр полной версии : Whether there is that that new in treatment of the Syndrome of Shershevskogo-Turner?...

12.08.2004, 00:02
Whether there is that that new in treatment of the Syndrome of Shershevskogo-Turner?

Krivskaja L.K.
13.08.2004, 11:50
Unfortunately, I do not know, that for you "old":)))
Try to give gomron body height (double doses), there is a small effect. Recommend to give estrogens for formation of secondary sexual attributes by very small doses which will not close a zone of body height.

14.08.2004, 19:10
To the girl only 8 years. Body height 113 see While is accepted by nothing. Have tortured otites. I already wrote, that did or made sanifying operations with the diagnosis holestiatoma. On left there was retsidiv-a repeated operation. We are afraid to bring that or for body height.
Externally: about a breast to speak early, and genitals look or appear normally.
I at all do not know what information I wish to receive. I live in Primorye Territory and I shall be glad to any information. Thanks.