Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! Daughters 7, 5 years, year after operation in occasion of DMPP, through...

14.08.2004, 08:49
The dear doctor! Daughters 7, 5 years, year after operation in occasion of DMPP, in a year in the cardiogram have appeared changes in perednepredserdnoj to a septum of a myocardium. What is it such? And more a rhythm sinusovyj irregular it that an arrhythmia?

Tutelman K.M.
14.08.2004, 12:01
Such combination of terms - " perednepredserdnoj to a septum of a myocardium " - does not happen or you were mistaken or something can not so have understood. As to a sinus arrhythmia, in most cases she is a variant of norm or rate and in itself does not demand attention.