Просмотр полной версии : To my child 9 yj month. I feed it or him from intervals at 3 3, 5 hours, t. To....

13.08.2004, 21:53
To my child 9 yj month.
I feed it or him from intervals at 3 3, 5 hours, t. To. We ochn late prosypaemja in the morning also eat first time only in 9 30. Whether harmfully to feed the child so often. Basically, at us and we always try to eat a precise regimen at a time:
Teoriticheski if I it or him fed not 5 times a day, and 4 it would turn out normally but while we we eat 5 times as small still. pozh-that, respond, whether it is harmful???

Chernorutskaja E.I.
14.08.2004, 05:11
Now pediatrists adhere to " free feeding " - the child eats when wants. If you normally develop and eat no more than 1 litre day - no trouble in it or this are not present.
vrach. spb. ru