Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor!. I about an inoculation from a hepatitis. The matter is that to us it or her...

12.08.2004, 16:23
Hello, the doctor!. I about an inoculation from a hepatitis. The matter is that to us it or her three times - in a maternity home, in 1 month and pochemu-that in 4.5 months together with AKDS and poliomelitom (how much or as far as I remember) did or made all. And here it was found out, that the third record about an inoculation is not present. I now and itself have started to doubt, whether really she was. It or her should do or make in half a year. What to me to do or make? Doctors pull all time. It is possible kak-to check up that antibodies or not? Also what, if at us will be 2 priviviki, immunity will be much below? And once again to do or make I am afraid, suddenly will do much harm? Thanks big for the answer.
I still asked a question (2 times, n you on it or him never respond) about Biseptolum. I its or his saw during illness or disease, the child too hurted or was ill;was sick at this time. Whether strongly it on it or her has affected or influenced?

Chernorutskaja E.I.
14.08.2004, 03:00
Natalia if I consider or count, that the answer data up to me correct, I do not respond. Could affect or influence and the child (to cause or call a dysbacteriosis), but it is more serious hardly t. To. At kids he, basically, nezapreshchen to application though it is undesirable.
About inoculations, I think, it is not necessary to worry, make one more if previous normally transferred or carried.
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