Просмотр полной версии : Hello, it is a problem of my niece. In the childhood she had unimportant or $not very well ap...

07.08.2004, 21:27
Hello, it is a problem of my niece. In the childhood she had unimportant appetite and it or her fed with scandal. If she did not wish to eat, to her unclenched a mouth and pushed there the spoon for the spoon. It or her sometimes tore, but parents were quiet, that the child normally eats. Now to her of 14 years. At it or her disgust for process of meal. She can in the whole days is nothing. Eats only that itself will prepare. Eats all without Adeps and Saccharum and in a boiled kind. Has weight of 57 kg at body height of 161 sm and considers or counts itself very full. Considers or counts guilty in it or this parents. She speaks them, tell or say thanks, that though it I eat, and if will force something is, in general I shall eat nothing or I shall run away from the house. Went to the psychologist. But nothing has helped or assisted. The psychologist obviila parents. And the daughter costs or stands on the . It or she cannot be overpersuaded. How here to be?

Nogovitsyn V.J.
09.08.2004, 07:33
Yes, parents were certainly wrong. That is now at the girl is called a nervous anorexia, this status arises just at the given age and demands active job with the psychologist and the psychiatrist. It is better to parents to not try to overpersuade the child, the effect will be 100 % return. It is necessary to understand, that here there is a threat of a life of the child, t. To. Such patients often lead up themselves to an extreme attrition. At proof character of this frustration with a progressing attrition and absence of effect from psychological correction hospitalization in a psychiatric hospital is necessary.

Pisarenko N.A.
10.08.2004, 04:34
I shall add, what is it at all a question pereubezhdenija or search guilty: real psychotherapeutic job of it or this is far from all. Parents should pretend, that they extremely are interested dochkinoj in the dietary theory, it is more to speak with her about it or this, not overpersuading, and asking, penetrating in details and helping or assisting to get the freshest and qualitative products. To buy or purchase to her the subscription in fitness-club itd. e. Even to play that they on the party or side of the child.

Katerina-Nogovitsynu V.J.
11.08.2004, 08:37
And how to be, that it is not has reached or is not cunning hospitalization and an attrition. Dangerous to a life. How to behave with the girl? How to convince its or her parents?

Nogovitsyn V.J.
11.08.2004, 22:21
It to the psychologist on reception, and not on one. And hospitalization to be afraid it is not necessary.

13.08.2004, 02:37
And - to mine, the girl of the right also it is not necessary it or her in what to overpersuade. At body height 161. 57. Weights is normally. I weigh 58. At body height 162 also I look or appear it is far not exhausted, and on the contrary, to have to grow thin " by a season ". If she absolutely ate nothing, then yes, it is a problem, but in fact she eats useful products, excepting zharennoe, salty, sweet.. What in it or this bad? - to mine, the problem or task of parents to not be at war with the daughter, and to help or assist her with its or her aspiration to be harmonous: to buy dietary products with a lot or plenty of vitamins, polyvitaminic preparations and t. I not time observed item, how parents fatten such pigs and are proud of "health" and ruddy cheeks of the children. Only in what it will result or bring in a consequence? An obesity and other charm. Not necessarily, but it is quite probable. So I consider or count, parents indeed should side with the child. To esteem spets. The literature to consult with the dietarian, to tell, that the diet should be competent and help or assist her to not lead up itself to an attrition. Let mum together with the daughter will get on a a soft diet! It will gain trust of a daughter, and mum too will not regret:))

13.08.2004, 14:30
The girl struggles against aggression of parents which extremely do not respect with its or her individuality. You speak about what attrition?? At me body height 162 and weight 45. And I already mum. Also I eat perfectly! Simply navedyvajus in sport-club also I do not gorge on for the night. Advice or council " kind aunt " - leave the girl alone and respect ee-with that parents in detstve-did or made with her barbarity more and now it is necessary to try very much that she "has thawn" and in this sense advice or council g-zhi Pisarenko. There is no sincerity - even play it or her. All blessings to the girl!