Просмотр полной версии : Hello! My daughter almost 7 years. Gde-that half a year back, having come into a bath...

10.08.2004, 13:47
Hello! My daughter almost 7 years. Gde-that half a year back, having come into a bathroom, I have seen, that my daughter sits, having moved apart legs or foots, and substitutes pisju under water. I have explained to her easy, that it or this to do or make it is not necessary, t. To. The infection there can get and. t. d. She has told or said, that to her shchekotno. Since then, she asks to be knocked to her when she washes (washes she of one years with 5). When I am knocked, splash, t is audible. e. She all the same continues it to do or make, simply has time to be removed. That to us to do or make. How to react? At us the normal family, is still the child of 2.5 years. Both children we like equally, and we punish too equally. In advance thanks.

Pisarenko N.A.
11.08.2004, 08:51
If it occurs or happens on a regular basis and you are absolutely assured of it or this, first of all it is necessary to understand, that such displays speak about a neurotic status of the child. It is not connected directly with "normalnostju" families and equal attitudes or relations, business can lay absolutely in other plane. It is its or her way to remove or take off internally a strain, alarm. Necessarily talk to her: that happens, that detki do or make such things, is what is it harmless, but it is bad (at its or her age), nepravlino. That you appreciate, that she understands it and tries to hide the actions. That sometimes happens such, that detki cannot stop, but it is better to make, t. To. This wrong behaviour. Anyway, it is not necessary to speak about it with others (except for the doctor at presence of parents).
Explain, that sometimes such do or make detki at which something is not got on in a life, but it or this can be helped or assisted, if she will want, there are special people who work with detkami itd itp.
If in current of month will not see changes, show the girl internally.