Просмотр полной версии : Vasily Jurevich dear! Vse-taki it is very interesting, that such with diagno...

Curious mamashka
05.08.2004, 16:18
Vasily Jurevich dear! Vse-taki it is very interesting, what such with diagnoses in a children's neurology if about 90 % from them it is spoken, what they "nonexistent", "indistinct" and " nothing speaking "? These "diagnoses" (I mean PEP, MMD, asteno-neurotic s-m, a hypertensia and t. The item) in general speak something about sotojanii the child? If is not present, for whom and for what they are put?
And in general then there is a question, whether, putting these or it d-zy, the neurologists know about a status of the child something, or are capable to ascertain only that at it or him " something not that with a head "? What then we treat?... In what sense of the given direction of medicine - only to treat serious frustration?
Very much vse-taki it would be desirable to understand:)

Nogovitsyn V.J.
05.08.2004, 21:16
Correct question! Some of these diagnoses (for example, PEP) in general have gone out of use and are applied in the old manner, the some people (type s-mA an intracranial hypertensia with all variants) in general have undertaken not clearly whence are put that though something to write (and often except for sensation, that something with a head not by way of, at the first survey of anything to think up it is impossible). Then, in many cases simply reporting in medical institutions passes or misses only such formulations and though kill, anything to a map writes another cannot. And at last, the core - these diagnoses - is far not 90 % of a neurology. That many so consider or count "merit" vrachej-dvoechnikov. The neurology is much more extensive, but concrete diagnoses (and often really serious as you have correctly noticed) in conference to establish or install it is impossible. Here the direction of actions is given ONLY. In rare or infrequent cases of obvious mistakes or errors I consider it necessary to speak about them directly, t. To. By virtue of mass of the reasons neurologic literacy even among those to that should own her or it, is lowest, and it conducts to serious consequences. Eventually many mistakes or errors come then to us, to the central hospitals, and often already to make nothing.

The same mamashka
06.08.2004, 03:21
Vasily Jurevich, but in fact this all is extremely sad... In fact these or thus not treated " neponjatki in a head " also lead to the further problems in a life - to the same head and spinal pains, complexities in training, impossibility to concentrate, etc. and t. Item, and even to more serious things, whether not so? In fact with golovoj-that actually something not so And in general, I notice, especially on this konfe, at parents, basically, to neurologists the attitude or relation as to annoying misunderstanding - too to me doktor-mozgoved, pills any appoints or nominates which the grandmother from a marasmus drinks, well it or him is whence he of that can know, in golovu-that will not get... And to you in fact address generally with latent desire that you have told or said - the fool your local neuropathologist, do not drink this medicine, healthy you to put.
And vse-taki, what your authoritative opinion, whether the modern medicine (I at all do not mean on-lajn) is capable to cope with the statuses, described her or it as easy or light;mild cerebral problems which frequently remain without attention in general? To improve up to norm or rate? Or it very much depends on?
Me this question therefore as I, nachitavshis about professor Ratnera and achievements of its or his followers, very strongly believe in an opportunity of the competent neurologic help very strongly interests. / we already communicated in occasion of my daughter - http: // 03. ru/pediatry/neurology/? action = display and message = 731160 and offset = 110/

Yours faithfully,

Nogovitsyn V.J.
06.08.2004, 07:13
" Easy or Light;Mild cerebral problems " happen different. The basic problem as you, probably, have noticed in conference to distinguish a pathology from norm or rate, instead of to tell or say, that the local fool. In a neurology of disputable situations, it is possible or probable, more, than gde-or in medicine, here and mess. And then, it is not necessary to dump all on not finished the cure children's problems, there is such thing as a heredity. Genes you will not change.

07.08.2004, 15:39
Really under the subjective description nothing the person thinking in medicine it is possible to distinguish a pathology from norm or rate?...

Nogovitsyn V.J.
08.08.2004, 00:38
Certainly is not present! I also speak about this all, if you have noticed.

08.08.2004, 19:59
It would be desirable to note still such party or side of a question - to my daughter on the first reception at the neurologist (in 1 mes) too have written the whole page - PEP and transfer simtomov: or refrleks something is not expressed or in such sort. The child at me the first, pochitav a card to me it became terrible - began to seem DTSP and all rest. The truth the doctor especially not vorlnovalsja and nothing explained, but treatment has appointed or nominated. I have rushed to " the Medical book " have bought or purchased there the different special literature, have studied and have understood for myself that no trouble is not present. Have then made NSG two times - on one picture the doctor has found any calcificat - I in a syncope:) . I ask is terribly? He in the answer shows me pictures where obviously there are no parts of a brain - here it, speaks, terribly. And another time in some months (the truth already other doctor) has not found out any calcificat. I that wish to tell or say. Dear doctors! Explain all in detail, we shall understand. All of us have peerly passed or have peerly taken place treatment. potomuchto in a head really you will not climb, whether it is not enough that.

09.08.2004, 17:31
Ajrin, so! It would be desirable to understand, understand simply, that occurs or happens with ditenkom, than it threatens and how to treat. Simply and intelligibly. Really, medicine - very complex or difficult science, but we, parents, in fact also do not apply for something supernatural. And any complex or difficult thing at desire quite really to explain simple words - I as the teacher on education, of it or this it is absolutely assured. Also it is not necessary to think, that we shall be engaged in a selftreatment, criticism of the treatment appointed or nominated by our doctor, to argue with it or him. Easier or simply TO UNDERSTAND. And all...

Nogovitsyn V.J.
10.08.2004, 06:45
Has not understood, it to me of the reference or manipulation? I in fact here only also do or make, that I explain:) And Ajrin I advise less to read spets. Literatures. Better the doctor normal find, with which to communicate it is possible, he and necessary will advise the literature. And differently is to Natalia - both the criticism will be, and a selftreatment - passed or took place this all.

10.08.2004, 20:03
You as always are right. Yesterday hour has spent in conversations with our neurologist. Everything, to you I do not stick any more on " philosophical questions ":)