Просмотр полной версии : The dear Doctor, at our son, to him of 10 years, after bathing in the river pokrasne...

07.08.2004, 22:45
The dear Doctor, at our son, to him 10 years, after bathing in the river have reddened eye sights or eyes, here a week I drip levomitsetinovymi eye drops, but improvements are not present, these or it 7 days are not played with a computer and practically does not watch TV (before took a great interest or was fond - to a duty or debt to sit about the screen and a little eyes reddened, but quickly passed or took place). The doctor has written out gidrokortizonovuju ointment, but she in fact hormonal, whether will be consequences? The son not oshchjushchaet not burning sensations, is not present vydeleny, simply strong reddening of an eyeglobe. Prompt what is it can be and than help or assist to remove or take off reddening.

Gorlacheva L.I.
09.08.2004, 10:41
The adenoviral infection is not excluded. This serious enough inflammation, ktoroe can be reflected in mediums of an eye. Show the child to the ophthalmologist internally. After specification of the diagnosis special treatment will be appointed or nominated. At conjunctivitises oculentums are better for not applying.

10.08.2004, 19:45
Thanks for the answer, the doctor, but here on an adenoviral infection resembles a little - there are no displays (temperatures, the throat, a nose does not hurt by way of), except for an erythema, it as though does not disturb it or him, but all kapiljarchiki have acted, an erythema especially in the right eye. And the doctor to us has registered drops sofrodeks, but also they for a week have not brought result, we gidrokortizonovoj smeared with ointment since morning there is a son - an erythema less. Tell or say please, whether at such age can be eye or vnutrecherepnoe pressure povyshenno?
We live in kazahstane.