Просмотр полной версии : Dear Tatyana Leonidovna! To the Child 4 years. On a roentgen have revealed a genyantritis...

07.08.2004, 00:12
Dear Tatyana Leonidovna! To the Child 4 years. On a roentgen have revealed a genyantritis bilaterial (I can not understand from what it t. To. The child did not hurt or be ill;be sick in current of 4 years ORVI., the curvature of a nasal septum or narrow nasal courses is possible or probable, but any ENT of it or this has not told or said.). Have spent on drink or saw through antibiotics, have made to us "cuckoo" (a lavage with a suction device) after that for prophylaxis IRS-19, before it or this polideksoj used., juice of a beet with honey and. d. The rhinitis has again renewed after a lavage, the nose is incorporated. I continue to drip a beet with honey, a camomile and I heat salt. To hospital I do not wish to go, at the child at one mention of hospital - a hysterics. Prompt that to us to do or make? To continue national methods (prompt still with what effectively?) or to the doctor again. It would not be desirable to injure to the child mentality. It can is connected with something (adenoides?)

10.08.2004, 04:19
Do not forget, that the genyantritis can be and allergic prolabors (especially in the spring during flowering). Then the treatment (honey, a camomile) it is possible to do much harm only. Without survey of the doctor at you nothing will turn out