Просмотр полной версии : At us that that with handles. When they not than not zinity, Lera twists brushes in r...

06.08.2004, 12:05
At us that that with handles. When they not than not zinity, Lera twists brushes in the different parties or sides, on a circle as that is fast and not conscious absolutely. During these moments even if it or her you take for arms or hand, handles not at once ostanavlivajutsja. And if during these moments to her to enclose palchik in an arm or a hand, she not at once suffices it or him. Especially it projavljaetsja along toward evening. It so is terrible vygledit! And me here have frightened, what at old men, when they balejut illness or disease Parkensona (has correctly written?), handles as krutjatsja So probably weeks 1, 5 already. That handles to stop, it is necessary Leru than that to borrow or occupy, and that not at once poluchaetsja.
The tremor at us was earlier, but he to 3 mes has passed or has taken place. Last time, in 6 m, nevrapotolog has told or said that already in general all well, and it is few hypertonus. But then Lera handles still so did not twist.

Nogovitsyn V.J.
09.08.2004, 21:18
The answer is impossible. The age, previous both accompanying neurologic and somatic problems, results of surveys and inspections from a map are not specified.