Просмотр полной версии : To the child 1 year. A chair up to 4 times day, a different consistence, since morning in the form of gu...

06.08.2004, 03:21
To the child 1 year. A chair up to 4 times day, a different consistence, since morning in the form of a dense porridge, by the evening in the form of liquid.
At a feces are present chastichki undigested nutrition (vorenaja carrots, apples, etc.) Appetite good, adds in weight well.
It is normal?
Have handed over the analysis on a dysbacteriosis. vysejalos: klebsiella 10*7, Stafillokkok 10*5, and Kandida 2* 10*3. Moderated or moderate chuv- on Nitroxolinum, Furazolidonum.
Whether it is necessary to spend treatment?
It would be desirable to learn or find out your opinion. Thanks.

Rachkov V.E.
07.08.2004, 06:48
The status of bacteriemic or bacterial flora of an intestine defines or determines processes of digestion of nutrition. Being guided by data of the analysis, I certainly would begin treatment.

08.08.2004, 11:00
Thanks for the answer!
1) you would appoint or nominate What treatment to the child?
2) At present we are in America, at the reference or manipulation to several doctors could not achieve purpose or appointment of treatment (one doctor does not consider or count it as a problem, another has appointed or nominated to accept to the child "Donatal" (having studied or investigated the summary, I can not understand what for).
Probably you know any preparations in America, directed on treatment of a dysbacteriosis.
What for preparations Lajfajber, superhlorfillipt and ProBionic firms ENRICH? These preparations were offered by the doctor- when we were in Uzbekistan (extend mains-operated marketing).
Whether they will help or assist to solve our problem?

09.08.2004, 11:00
I not the doctor, but a staphilococcus usually treat to what microbes are sensitive or a staphylococcal bacteriophage or hlorofillliptom (chlorine- has not so helped or assisted us) .chem treat all rest I do not know. Then appoint or nominate a minimum a fortnight course of "good" bacteria (laktobaktery and bifidobaktery), for example, the American preparation- or Floradofiljus.
And more, we here with the same kid are going to to America:), how there at you with medicine for kiddies? Mine emajl jonnylee@mail.ru