Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte. Please, consult in occasion of valtusnoj stops (it...

07.08.2004, 15:26
Zdrastvujte. Please, consult in occasion of valtusnoj stops (this platypodia?). To a daughter 1, 1 year, have put such diagnosis. What are necessary exercises, it is useful to go barefoot? Something or something else Can be necessary. In advance I thank.

Muraveva E.M.
09.08.2004, 05:19
At this age speech about a true platypodia does not go yet. At children up to 3 h years of stop physiologically is flat. The valgus equipment or installation is a primary rotation stops knutri, that subsequently can lead to a platypodia and an osteochondrosis. For prophylaxis in everyone botinochke the child necessarily there should be an arch support, and the ankle joint should be rigidly fixed or recorded. At this age to force will carry out the child any exercises difficultly enough, therefore while be limited to these measures.