Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor how you concern to techniques of a forwardness? To mine the son...

07.08.2004, 23:49
The dear doctor how you concern to techniques of a forwardness? synochku 1. 4., to me it seems to mine, that he absolutely normal child. Speaks some words. Games - the sandbox, soft toys (squeezes them, coos, tries to kiss), tries to collect piramidki, likes musical toys. I try to read to him of a fairy tale, but he while at all does not fix attention to books. However, the husband constantly expresses concern to that the child " badly develops " - speaks a little, does not collect pazzlov. The husband nachitalsja that there are the techniques allowing even to train reading such small detok, and presses on me, that we should "develop" the son. I nastorozhenno concern to "forwardness" and I do not see a problem in if the child will learn to read year in 4. Who from us is right?

Pisarenko N.A.
08.08.2004, 11:48
Calm down and calm the husband. You are right. At you absolutely normal child, also nothing to excruciate it or him. Pazzly, by the way, many children at all do not like (simply about it is not spoken in advertising developing toys).