Просмотр полной версии : Kind time of day! At once I shall pass to " the pavor " so: a problem kasaet...

03.08.2004, 23:19
Kind time of day!
At once I shall pass to " the pavor " so: the problem kasaetsja my son, to him of 5, 5 years to speak the beginnings neither early, nor late, however likely as many detki. For the first time to the logopedist have addressed, when have gone or send in sadik, guarding the doctor has not found anything...
There was laryngeal "R" and in any way a child not pereuchivaetsja! Have repeatedly addressed to the logopedist, the doctor at survey has told or said, that it is probably necessary to cut or undercut a bridle, has written out a direction to the surgeon on survey, the surgeon has in turn told or said at such age already simply a bridle do not cut, that is already necessary opreratsija: a surgical glossoplasty, having warned, that after - week of silence... Operation as speak, in itself not complex or difficult but as I have understood consequences can be bad, and state of health of the kid after operation...
Tell or Say please it is really necessary to do or make such operation? What consequences if can be
To refuse and what consequences if all will go not so? Whether to agree? - tk for us, parents, it was rather unexpected, it would be desirable to know more about operation + your opinion what to make the adequate decision! In advance I thank for you the answer!!!

05.08.2004, 15:42
Tell or Say, and problems with a pronunciation of sounds SH, T, L is not present? If so, business not in a bridle. Special exercises are for the beginning necessary to stretch or drag out a bridle and to develop or produce a strong air jet. If in half a year these exercises of effect have not given - then there can be a speech about an operative measure.

Svetlana _
07.08.2004, 04:06
He utters other letters perfectly, behind a rare or an infrequent (!) case it is possible to hear casually instead of "L" - "In", but on my observations it very seldom and more likely what that the certain words.

07.08.2004, 08:31
Consult and address for the help to other logopedists who will use in the job a complex of exercises for extension of a sublingual bridle.
To correct laryngeal R without the help of the expert it will not turn out. Employment or occupations can be long (depending on many factors till one year). If l sometimes says as In it is additional stimulus to consult with the expert and to begin employment or occupations. Success.

08.08.2004, 08:15
I had a same situation with the son. In 5.5 years he has gone to a logopedic garden and the logopedist has told or said that it is necessary to cut or undercut a bridle (the matter is that if to not cut or undercut that doctrine to a correct pronunciation of sound R can be tightened or delayed for a long time (till 2 years)). We have made a plasty of a bridle, operation not complex or difficult and painless under a narcosis. More difficultly then: the child should talk as much as possible after it or her differently again srastetsja, and speak him painfully, but it is necessary, therefore I spent all time for conversations with it or him. After the bridle has started to heal, the logopedist began to do or make massage of a bridle. As a result the son began to utter sound R in 2 months after plasty, certainly at continuous employment or occupations with the logopedist and massage of a bridle.