Просмотр полной версии : Dear dokotor, prompt please. To the boy of 6 months. Voobshchem time...

31.07.2004, 22:47
Dear dokotor, prompt please. To the boy of 6 months. Voobshchem develops normally. Very well lepechim, we react to parents and another's. But - former does not overturn (though it is well grouped, when prisazhivaem, a head and a back too holds well). If to give him palchik and to ask it or him, he can turn over by means of, but independently is lazy. Whether it can testify to any disturbances, or it can be norm or rate. The child large - weighs more than 10 kg in 6 months. In advance thanks.

Nogovitsyn V.J.
03.08.2004, 23:40
While no trouble. Train, will turn over.

07.08.2004, 19:05
To ours too 6 months, turn from a back on a stomach or belly, back are not present... Began to turn easily when on a floor have put, before laid on a sofa, was soft nothing also turned out. .a still caught arms or hand at edges or territories stajashchej krovat and so perevarachivalsja... Voobshchem provoke..