Просмотр полной версии : Hello. We were treated for dislocations beder: the diagnosis has been put in a sort...

The anonym
02.08.2004, 14:25
Hello. We were treated for dislocations beder: the diagnosis has been put in a maternity home and confirmed snimakami in 3 weeks. However, in view of strongly raised or increased tonus to us the orthopedist has appointed or nominated massage + wide pelenanie (I know, be indignant in occasion of massage). In 2, 5 months have dressed or endow pillow Frejka (the stria of the fitted linoleum is wide, fastened on each side and through a coat hanger or shoulder-straps), increased or enlarged its or her width gradually, a dislocation was set only in 5, 5 months in 6 months to us have registered "rod" - rasporku up to 11 months the Child has started to have a seat by 7 months, thus of a leg or pinch, being in this rasporke, she turned out vovnutr - for convenience of a leg when sat.
Now to us 4 years, as a result to sit to her now it is convenient - kolenki together, stops outside, goes also, clinging kolenkami as though legs or pinches are turned vovnutr. The orthopedist speaks, that it's OK, we shall supervise constantly pictures. A gait, in its or her opinion - a problem of the neuropathologist. But I saw, how the gait and position of legs or foots was formed it. These are normal consequences such rasporok? Or with the years to be corrected? Spsibo in advance.

Porohnja V.S.
03.08.2004, 03:48
Due to treatment by pillow Frejka instead of as it is necessary a functional plaster bandage, at you process of treatment was tightened or delayed almost twice and sheechno-the diaphyseal angle has increased more than for 120 degrees. Thus stops are established or installed on valgus and it remains for all life.

The anonym
04.08.2004, 14:45
The angle has increased, remains for all life is clearly. And what consequences? Only a gait or the further problems with joints?

Porohnja V.S.
05.08.2004, 07:46
Problems because distribution of a load to a head of a joint is broken.