Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon. Unfortunately, at our daughter in 1 3 months Ds: DMZHP 4 mm, DMPP 4...

Parents Masha
01.08.2004, 04:28
Good afternoon. Unfortunately, at our daughter in 1 3 months Ds: DMZHP 4 mm, DMPP 4 mm. Easier speaking - a heart disease. The girl on a kind healthy - is not present a dyspnea or short wind, mobile, shustraja, cheerful. Tell or say, please, to agree to us on operation or not? If yes, what age the optimal for operating? Whether it is possible to live with such diagnosis without operation and without terrible consequences. In advance to you are grateful.

Tutelman K.M.
04.08.2004, 22:11
On the Internet of the such reference are not given, the responsibility is too great!!! The sizes of defects in your case not small. Dump both through DMPP, and through DMZHP conducts to an overload of the right departments of heart and as a result probably occurrence of such terrible complication as a pulmonary hypertensia. Therefore if operation is shown to delay her it is not necessary. The decision on terms of operation is accepted exclusively by the cardiosurgeon.

Parents Masha
05.08.2004, 03:08
In any case - many thanks for the answer.