Просмотр полной версии : To daughter 4 years were just executed, the pediatrist and the orthopedist have unexpectedly seen..

Gorjacheva E.G.
01.08.2004, 08:37
To daughter 4 years were just executed, the pediatrist and the orthopedist have unexpectedly seen H-figurative legs or foots, speak, what is it consequences of a rachitis though the child is observed at the same pediatrist since a birth and the diagnosis the rachitis was never put. Have directed on massage and rekomedovali vitamins Kinder Biovital. Than this curvature of legs or foots and why it has appeared is dangerous? The offered method of treatment is how much effective? Whether there Are still any methods? Thanks.

04.08.2004, 06:08
Synule my girlfriend in addition to vitaminai and to massage still recommended Vitamin D (aqueous solution), pool and an electrophoresis. To the kid now 1, 5 years.
Health to you and yours malyshke!!!

Porohnja V.S.
04.08.2004, 13:00
H-figurative deformation of anticnemions as a rule the rachitic nature. Orthopedists do not treat a rachitis - pediatrists are engaged in it or this. I can advise to buy or purchase a bicycle with a frame and to adhere on a frame a small pillow that she prevented kolenkam to settle down series and let the child goes for a drive.