Просмотр полной версии : At my child (4 years) vetrjannaja a smallpox. It is a lot of blisters or blebs and greater or big, in...

03.08.2004, 01:42
At my child (4 years) vetrjannaja a smallpox. It is a lot of blisters or blebs and greater or big, vezde-in ears, on labiums, on centuries or blepharons, etc. very much excruciates an itch. Temperature 38. The doctor has appointed or nominated Diazolinum and to smear zelenkoj. It is possible for something or for something else to facilitate position?

03.08.2004, 11:00
To facilitate nothing. Diazolinum - that did not itch. In occasion of zelenki: personally I never liked green kiddies. And my sister, and then already and I smeared pimples with potassium permanganate (not weak, but also not absolutely strong). Potassium permanganate dries and disinfects. And color at the child will be - an extreme measure normal. It is very important to explain to the child that is impossible these sores skovyrivat, and that ostanutsja scars for ever. When I have explained it to the daughter (to her there were 2, 5 years) she was frightened to remain with scars and not skovyrivala sores in tech. All illness or disease. Only once opening a door of a secretary has casually knocked over one on a brow, it has been very upset. The scar and has remained.

04.08.2004, 09:30
There is a specific way of treatment of a chicken pox. The preparation atsiklovir is applied as a rule to treatment of a virus of herpes (a fever on a labium on national). As the virus of herpes and a chicken pox belongs to one group, and your child already lostatochno big, can apply ointment atsiklovira. To put or render 4 5 times a day, before putting or rendering a new layer old necessarily to wash off 20 30 % alcohol. Import preparations atsiklovira dear or expensive enough if local manufacture will not find, use would like for the face for prophylaxis of scars. Do not put or render on mucous (a mouth, eyes) ju Closely or Attentively examine the child, elements can "be hidden" in ears, under hair, in cluneal cords or crimps, on genitals, between fingers. Search and process. The child do not wash about 7 days. With atsiklovirom, the truth passes or takes place more quickly, day for 3. In any case the first bathing: have put in tazik and have poured broth over turns. And for tomorrow only douche.