Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! At a daughter (3 years) in the first year of a life with courses treated in...

02.08.2004, 23:33
The dear doctor! At a daughter (3 years) in the first year of a life with courses treated intracranial pressure (gipertenzionno-gidrotsefalnyj s-). Last time - half a year back after have noticed a habit spasm (blinking) and podkashivanie the right eye at fatigue - have made M-the ECHO and have spent dehydrational therapy before improvement M-the ECHO. In the last some weeks the girl complains of a headache, but it does not affect mood, we suspect, that invents. Once there was a nasal bleeding, but not plentiful. The night dream in norm or rate - falls asleep easily, does not wake up at night, and here to lay very difficultly in the afternoon. I notice also, that cannot longly be engaged in one business, asks, that esteemed the book, and itself distracts in some minutes, and then cannot tell, about what to her read, except for the first offer. Knows all letters, but cannot combine them in words, knows parts of a body of the person, shows on itself, but cannot draw anything, even otdalenno reminding a figure of the person. Each request needs to be repeated some times, she as though does not hear.
It is a problem for the psychologist or the neurologist? How to check up, whether the head hurts it or her? The doctor has told or said, that M-the ECHO - the out-of-date method yielding false results. What researches can be spent to check results of therapy? We live in Ekaterinburg. Thanks.

Reshchikov D.A.
04.08.2004, 01:31
Hello. It is necessary to spend either MRT or Kt a brain. Behavioural reactions a problem psychological. Carried out these researches it will be possible confidently enough skazato a status of a brain of the child.