Просмотр полной версии : Prompt please, how much gram of a milk or dairy admixture should eat malyshka...

01.08.2004, 05:19
Prompt please, how much gram of a milk or dairy admixture should eat malyshka in 2 months and 1 week for 1 feeding? How much feedings in day? What break between feedings? We feed with a milk or dairy admixture "Bebi". In advance I thank.

03.08.2004, 10:41
Voobshchem-that it is necessary to look on the kid he wants is or not, make some times admixtures hardly more, will see how much will eat in 1 yj, 2, 3 times, from it or this will push away, and to speak, that 100, 200, 300 it is not correct, all should zavisit from appetite of the child. nedoest it is bad, perest too it is bad. And in general in the majority on a box with an admixture it is written approximately and how much gram and to what month When to my child there were 7 months she under the table specified on bank with an admixture should consume 210 for one feeding we consumed no more than 140