Просмотр полной версии : I and earlier read, that some children fall asleep only after crying. Now p...

31.07.2004, 13:48
I and earlier read, that some children fall asleep only after crying. Now similar happens and with ours 4 the monthly son. I all over again considered or counted such excitability as reaction to an inoculation akds or a precut teeth.. Sometimes the boy cries, refusing from feeding, but having cried, in minutes 15 all with appetite eats, and does not cry nearly in the extremity or end kormlenija-wants still 1) you met such attributes of crying? What is it?
2) Why some children cry before a dream? I experience for nervous system of the son as he cries up to a hoarseness, mashet, beats off arms or hand, mechetsja at me on arms or hand. Can be if I have allowed him minutes 15 to cry in plenty, he then at once and has fallen asleep, but at me not such strong nerves, I calm or abirritate it or him, he calms down or is abirritated, but not completely, as a result, sometimes, especially at night, the boy falls asleep only in 1 2 hours.
In the afternoon not so it is bad.
Also our son here 2 weeks rises in 10 mornings, instead of in 6, and thus its or his last feeding drops out for 2 nights. The son has chosen such schedule itself, 3) can be it or him costs to awake earlier to avoid night feeding in 2 nights, and night crying?
Also my husband likes to play with the son, to make laugh, shchekotit, the boy responds a smile, guganem, laughter.
I worry, that the boy can perevozbuditsja from it or this and cry even more strongly. Especially on nocham-to evenings. 4) that you think in this occasion?


Nogovitsyn V.J.
03.08.2004, 07:24
The reasons of crying at children - first of all a pain or other unpleasant sensations. Where and with what it is connected the pediatrist should to search first of all. There is " simply crying ", without the visible reasons so the child for the lack of more perfect or absolute mechanisms (speeches still are not present) communicates with the world less often. It is the answer at once on the first 2 questions. 3 question - yes, costs or stands. It is necessary to displace the schedule sna-wakefulnesses and to pick up how it will be convenient all. In the evening, naturally to do without active games (with the husband to spend explanatory job).