Просмотр полной версии : To my son of 14 years. During each exacerbation of a tonsillitis, doctors obnaruzhiva...

02.08.2004, 17:26
To my son of 14 years. During each exacerbation of a tonsillitis, doctors find out systolic hum on an apex. Approximately in one and a half month (after obostereni) hum gradually decreases and becomes small. Ehokg in norm or rate. An electrocardiogram: a sinoatrial rate, 85 in minutes Vertik. polozh. EOS. Little changes in a myocardium, metabolic character. Incomplete blockade right n. Item Gisa. The given hum is connected with disease of heart or with an angina? What to us can advise?

Tutelman K.M.
03.08.2004, 07:06
That EhoKG in norm or rate, and also intensifying of hum on background ORVI speaks about functional character of hum.
Nevertheless control EHoKG and an electrocardiogram over frequent exacerbations of a tonsillitis is necessary, for exception of a lesion of the valval apparatus of heart. Also at existence hronichekogo the center of an infection in tonsils and an inefficiency of medicamental therapy it is necessary to reflect on a possible or probable tonsilectomy (excision of tonsils).