Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, zdravstrujte. My daughter of 7 years. We passed or took place inspection in the spring...

02.08.2004, 09:28
The doctor, zdravstrujte. My daughter of 7 years.
We passed or took place inspection by spring of this year, did or made US, an electrocardiogram before and after a load.
The diagnosis: dysfunction sinusovogo the site. Small anomalies of heart - PMK and PTK with minim. A regurgitation. After an electrocardiogram with a load - there was the sharp bradycardia, the moderate arrhythmia on a background of migration of the driver of a rhythm (from sinusovogo the site in a myocardium of the right auricle). Incomplete blockade of the right branch of item Gisa.
The registered vitamins and preparations under the scheme or plan used (1, 6, mitamin, Acidum lipoicum, bella... Mynalum (excuse, has forgotten the name)).
Several days ago did or made REG a brain and again the bradycardia has been diagnosed. The number of intimate or cardiac reductions was 63 impacts.
I understand what is it all is connected.
All listed can be cured completely? Or it already feature of an organism which is necessary for supporting or maintaining? It is necessary for us to repeat inspection?

Tutelman K.M.
03.08.2004, 02:01
The sinus bradycardia can be considered or examined;surveyed as display of dysfunction sinusovogo the site, and can
To have a functional genesis on a background of the raised or increased tonus parasimpaticheskoj nervous system. For specification of character of a lesion of spending system of heart observation in dynamics or changes is necessary, as doobsledovanija carrying out holterovskogo monitorings, veloergometrii, atropinic assay is desirable. As to prolapsov atrioventirkuljarnyh valves, considering a lesion both (mitral and trikuspidalnogo) valves most likely it is necessary to think of presence at the child soedinitelno a woven dysplasia. Whether thus it is impossible to answer unequivocally your question " it is possible to cure completely or not? ". Observation in dynamics or changes Is necessary at least. Carrying out of courses stimulating and vegetotropnoj therapies also is necessary to slow down or prevent the further advance of a pathology.