Просмотр полной версии : To the child month and 10 days, have diagnosed him gipertenzionnyj s-m, s-m d...

30.07.2004, 21:08
To the child month and 10 days, have diagnosed him gipertenzionnyj s-m, s-m of impellent frustration, PEP rannijvosstanovitelnyj the period. Have appointed or nominated such medicines: Deakarb, kaventon, debazol, Sodium chloridum of a potassium, ATF. Prompt THIS all davt is how much necessary for the child? Consequences?

Nogovitsyn V.J.
01.08.2004, 12:23
Standard question, the standard answer. The diagnosis is indistinctly formulated, substantiations for purpose or appointment of the specified medicines in your report are not present. Change the doctor. Preliminary esteem this conference, on each page some similar questions.

02.08.2004, 08:28
In advance izvenjajus for a question. Read conference of similar diagnoses did not meet. If it is not difficult obsnite (decipher) diagnoses. And why they are formulated indistinctly? Will change unfortunately the doctor difficultly, the diagnosis have put in oblostnoj to an out-patient department and the same have written in our regional. Whether the most important question should be given such kollichestvo medicines? Whether when have asked the local doctor it is necessary to give all of them, to me have advised to give hotjaby dekarb.?? Why dekarb?? Has got confused absolutely, help or assist!

Nogovitsyn V.J.
02.08.2004, 19:54
Let's begin with that these diagnoses require the further decoding (even). And without it or this it is senseless to speak about "decoding", I do not see the child, I do not know, what problems at it or him. And treatment is appointed or nominated not proceeding from the diagnosis, and on a status of the concrete patient. So a unique output or exit (if really it is impossible to find other doctor) - to listen to the, but pytat on each item or point - each preparation what for is necessary. Basically, certainly, the impression about redundancy of treatment is made, but to attending physicians can be more visible.