Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To a daughter 7 years recently were executed, at visiting the ophthalmologist d...

28.07.2004, 02:02
Hello! To a daughter 7 years recently were executed, at visiting the ophthalmologist for veneering honey. Maps in school the myopia of a weak degree (-1 and - 1, 5) and a spastic stricture of accommodation has come to light. A heredity bad (I in glasses or spots, - 4, but have begun not so early; the daddy too in glasses or spots, but at it or him a hyperopia weak). The doctor recommended a magnetotherapy, vitamins, gluconat of a calcium and ochki-simulators.
Vitamins C gluconat we drink, on a magnetotherapy, unfortunately, it is impossible (all it is worked).
Ochki-simulators at blazhajshem treating have seemed to me full nonsense from a series tsirkonievyh bracelets and amulets from all illnesses or diseases (has studied or investigated them in many firms and opticians, anywhere has not found any certificates). Whether it is necessary to buy them? Or in general it is better to address to other doctor? To what? Whether the ophthalmologist in a district clinic should give a direction under my request, for example, in Morozovskuju? (we in Moscow)

Gorlacheva L.I.
30.07.2004, 12:31
Ochki-simulators at a myopia are not effective. Vmtamini it is possible and it is necessary to drink. In Morozovskuju the doctor, likely, can give you a direction, probably, there to you will offer adequate apparatus conservative treatment. If is not present - search for other clinic.

02.08.2004, 18:09