Просмотр полной версии : To my grand daughters bliznjashkam 1 month. Kakajut once in day and even less often. Pedia...

27.07.2004, 00:57
To my grand daughters bliznjashkam 1 month. Kakajut once in day and even less often. The pediatrist plainly also does not speak anything, and nevropotolog has advised to drink compote from prunes and dried apricots, but to sense is not present. Yes I also am afraid that compote early. Children on the mixed feeding. I ask you give advice or council. Thanks.

28.07.2004, 20:11
At this age it is normal if children on iskustvennom or the mixed feeding and if on thoracal it is necessary zdat analyses on a dysbacteriosis of an intestine and to seem to the gastroenterologist or even the competent pediatrist

01.08.2004, 17:28
Boris, you who???

young mama
02.08.2004, 14:35
If yours detki kakajut once a day, but is on a regular basis that of the reasons for alarm is not present. But if not kakajut day, two and then diarrhea that it is necessary to adjust a regimen of feeding. There is an opinion, that such excrements speak about that that thoracal milk completely usvaivaevaetsja ogranizmom. To do or make the analysis on a dysbacteriosis it is not necessary, anyway not in a month. In fact the baby is born with is sterile pure or clean intestine and about the necessary balance of bacteria to speak it is not necessary yet. Only to 6 7 months what microflora and here is established or installed koe-when it is already possible to hand over. And in a month to you most likely also will put a dysbacteriosis as useful bacteria were not in time yet will be occupied with thoracal milk in the necessary quantity or amount