Просмотр полной версии : To daughter 3 years. One month ago has had been ill with a bronchitis. And here already in current of month...

01.08.2004, 22:49
To daughter 3 years. One month ago has had been ill with a bronchitis. And here already in current of month the unpleasant, evil-smelling smell from the right nostril is noticed. What is the reason for it or this? There can be in a nostril an extraneous subject (though dyshet easily, and painful sensations at the child are not present) or all taki complication after illness or disease?

Balashova T.L.
02.08.2004, 11:51
Julia, show child LOR-to the doctor necessarily. The reason of a unpleasant smell from a nose can be an alien or a foreign body in a nose, purulent process in a nose or adnexal or additional sinuses of a nose. The alien or foreign body in a nose can not give difficulty of nasal respiration and morbid sensations up to a pore, all depends on where it settles down also its or his sizes.