Просмотр полной версии : Hello. To my son of 7 years. Last time began to blink often eyes...

01.08.2004, 05:59
Hello. To my son of 7 years. Last time began to blink often eyes, with twitching muscles of the face (as though screws up the face). When eyes are closed - any similar phenomena is not observed. The ophthalmologist has appointed or nominated Dexamethazonum and oftadek, after 7 days of application of medicines, improvements has not come, have replaced with Albucidum and gidrokortizonovuju ointment. I would like to know, such blinking is connected only with disease of eyes or it can be nervous?

Gorlacheva L.I.
02.08.2004, 09:31
The appointed or nominated preparations are applied at inflammatory diseases of eyes. The signs described by you are characteristic not for inflammatory disease, and for display of neurotic frustration (it often happens at children). Show the child to the neurologist.