Просмотр полной версии : To daughter 3 years, have found "dysbacteriosis" in the spring, but special problems were not. Segod...

The novel
01.08.2004, 05:38
To daughter 3 years, have found "dysbacteriosis" in the spring, but special problems were not. Today in the morning playing, has jumped and has begun to cry, has told or said the stomach or belly hurts. I have given "Smektu", have stroked on a tummy and minutes through 30 all have passed or have taken place. Eta-the same situation has repeated in the evening. But, the chair good, is not present temperature and was not, tongue is not imposed, mobile... In what there can be a reason? Behind quality of nutrition, we watch or we keep up! Anything zharenogo did not give, here only pitaetsja it is not so good, in the morning and in the evening, and between this time, kusochnichaet (cocoa with pechenjami and. t. d.). Yes, last night distances of cheese, to pair or steam slices.
Most of all I am afraid of an appendicitis??? Help!
romans-@rambler. ru

Dmitry, the doctor-pediatrist
02.08.2004, 09:09
Reduce to the doctor for internal survey. It can be any pathology zheludochno-an intestinal tract and not only it or him. On the Internet to tell or say it is impossible.