Просмотр полной версии : To my son 3 years. He incorrectly puts legs or foots when goes, especially right...

01.08.2004, 00:41
To my son 3 years. He incorrectly puts legs or foots when goes, especially right, turns their socks inside. It is more appreciable, when he goes to footwear, when barefoot puts a foot bolee-less in parallel. The pediatrist has advised to go more barefoot on sand. Went all the summer long, but special results are not present. What will you advise and with what it can be connected? Platypodias at the child are not present, a congenital dislocation of a femur like too (did or made US in 1.5 months). In advance I thank for the answer.

Porohnja V.S.
01.08.2004, 11:05
The physiological platypodia is at all healthy children till 5 years. In children's footwear (in difference from adult) nosok is more serious than a heel. Therefore it is enough often children, being in footwear, stops put vovnutr, t. To. They are more serious.