Просмотр полной версии : To the child 4 months. One week ago at it or him on legs or foots (below a knee) have appeared male...

30.07.2004, 18:38
To the child 4 months. One week ago it or he on legs or foots (below a knee) had small specks (2 3 mm in diameter) the various form (round, extended) krasnovato-violet color (light enough) similar to ecchymoses. At veneering in hospital vrach has told or said, what is it presumably gemorogichesky mikrotrombotanzilit. But analyses of a blood and urine have appeared in norm or rate (trombotsyty 240). Temperature normal. For last days new maculae have not appeared, and old have slightly turned pale. In a delivery of the child that new it was not brought. Whether you, what is this can assume maculae? Whether there can be it result of squeezing (disturbance of a circulation), for example pampers?

Bagautdinova I.V.
31.07.2004, 16:03
Without survey to establish or install the diagnosis difficultly. To you it is excluded only odina from the possible or probable reasons of an ecchymosis. The possible or probable reason can be a pathology of vessels or coagulating system of an organism (check up the analysis - a coagulogram)