Просмотр полной версии : My son (13 years) three years ago has received serious CHMT. Have remained very serious...

30.07.2004, 02:06
My son (13 years) three years ago has received serious CHMT. There were very serious consequences of this trauma: a dementive syndrome; spastic tetraparez; cerebellar ataksija; a pseudobulbar syndrome; episindrom. It would be desirable to learn or find out, whether there are any effective techniques for treatment of such patients in Moscow or any other city.

Tsibizov A.I.
30.07.2004, 16:15
I think, that you have already passed or have already taken place through many rehabilitational treatment. I do not know about what effective techniques you ask, but similar therapy consists in course regenerative treatment raschitanom for years. It includes many preparations and procedures.

Yours faithfully,

tsibizov@mail. ru

31.07.2004, 13:54
Try to address in Moscow in Cent of modern medicine " Primavera the physician " treatment by amino acids
Bodies 235 81 58
237 94 49
236 50 64
We treated in occasion of DTSP - quite good results