Просмотр полной версии : Dear doctor Lanj! Many thanks for the detailed answer. I am afraid, that prizna...

29.07.2004, 19:12
Dear doctor Lanj! Many thanks for the detailed answer. I am afraid, that attributes krivoshei at us were. Just the right muscle was dense and truncated, there was an inclination of a head to the right and turn to the left, and the child held so a head the most part of time. The orthopedist, probably, was incompetent. After months of gymnastics it fiksirovanoe position (an inclination to the right and turn to the left) is present not always and not so is obvious, however ohotnee the girl holds a head imeno so. But, I repeat, can and - to another. Means, it any more is not an immovability right grudinnokljuchichnosostsevidnoj muscles, correctly I understand? Otherwise the head would be fixed in this position? Whether I can define or determine while itself, whether there is a rachiocampsis? And, please, write how to do or make massage. Many thanks in advance!

31.07.2004, 07:45
Dear Dasha! Necessarily stack the child in corrective position, with an inclination of a head aside, opposite to the changed muscle. Tissues are still elastic and it is possible to stretch or drag out the amazed or struck muscle. Massage is done or made several times in day. Massage as follows is done or made: the child lays on a back, the head is allocated or removed that in one, in other party or side. At massage the party or side of a neck on which there is the changed muscle drawing a head to a brachium, the receptions of massage weakening or easying a strain of a muscle, softly stretching or softly dragging out it or her (the child put on the healthy party or side, the left arm or hand keep a chin from the amazed or struck party or side, the right arm or hand mass a muscle svehu downwards, softly stretching or dragging out it or her) are applied At massage of other party or side of a neck where a healthy muscle, massage should cause rising of a muscle tone. To mass all follows also muscles of the face on the party or side krivoshei. Well to your girl to wear "collar", the usual cardboard collaret wound by cotton and bandage, interfering an inclination of a head aside the changed muscle. At wearing the child on arms or hand do not suppose turn of its or his head in that party or side on which there is a truncated muscle. Light from a window should fall so that the child reached for it or him;them, not inclining a head aside the amazed or struck muscle. And whether here there is at the girl a scoliosis, the doctor will define or determine. If is, for augmentation of mobility of a backbone in cervical and verhnegrudnom departments in addition resort in house conditions to corrective exercises and receptions of extension of a backbone (on an inclined plane by means of special "loop" which keeps a head of the hanging child on special adaptations.