Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Have advised to address to you. To the boy of 7 months, weight 5, 2 to...

29.07.2004, 12:06
Hello! Have advised to address to you. To the boy of 7 months, weight 5, 2 kg. We sit on a maintenance dose of digoxin.
The diagnosis: VPS DMZHP with a high pulmonary hypertensia, a stenosis of a pulmonary artery, n 1.
The given US: the Right departments soch. Are increased. A hypertrophy mezhzhelud. Septums, a forward wall of a right ventricle. The pulmonary artery is expanded 1, 9., cusps of the valve are condensed, the moderate restriction of their mobility. In mezhzhelud. To a septum vizializiruetsja deffekt in the size 0, 9. At DEHOKG a turbulent systolic stream in a right ventricle and a pulmonary artery. The left departments soch. neuvelicheny, sokratitelnaja ability of a myocardium of a left ventricle satisfactory 68 % .mitralnyj and aortal valves without changes. Advise please where to us to go, whether the certain weight, now at us a repeated pneumonia on a background of that is necessary, I do not know. Advise please something.

Tutelman K.M.
30.07.2004, 15:17
If you still never consulted the cardiosurgeon it is necessary to go by all means (and the more quickly, the better). Leading kardiohirugicheskim a hospital in Moscow (and in Russia, probably) is NTSSSH it or him. A.N.Bakuleva. Consultations there paid, therefore any special directions and t. Item it is not necessary.
To pull it is impossible, t. To. If the pulmonary hypertensia reaches or achieves 3 4 degrees defect becomes nonresectable!!!
Phone of registry NTSSSH it or him. A.N.Bakuleva (095 414 75 90, 414 75 91.