Просмотр полной версии : To our child of 13 years. In 11 years he has received tramvu a thorax. We in this...

29.07.2004, 23:11
To our child of 13 years. In 11 years he has received tramvu a thorax. We the same day have noticed its or her deformation and have addressed to the surgeon, but he has told or said what is it will pass or take place and has written out protivospolitelnuju ointment. But after treatment small deformation has remained. In one and a half year deformation of a thorax has strongly increased, and in short enough time interval. We have addressed in hospital, but to us now speak, what is it congenital defect - a "funneled or funnel" breast. But we are guarded strongly with two facts: these are sharp and greater or big changes of deformation (the right part of a thorax acts above left on 3, this jump has occured or happened for a summer), and periodic pains in the field of a thorax. Especially at pulling up on a horizontal bar. On rengenoskih pictures of a pathology have not revealed.
Whether congenital it is defect if 11 years the thorax was normal, and it or he was seen not by doctors at inspections and surveys, not parents. And this deformation have seen at once after a trauma.
Whether can at congenital defect nabljudatsja such sharp changes of deformation and a pain?
We ask to give advice or council.

Porohnja V.S.
30.07.2004, 05:56