Просмотр полной версии : To my son 1, 2. Top "canines" began to be cut. Originally der...

28.07.2004, 03:49
To my son 1, 2. Top "canines" began to be cut. The low temperature originally kept, and now zalozhennost in a nose (vydeleny is not present) and he cannot otkashlitsja. Tussis dry with a deaf or an indistinct sound. Prompt than treat, than it is possible to soften a throat, whether it is possible mustard obertovanie? I give plentiful pite-a dogrose, morsy and a camomile. In nos-ointment of the Thuja.

29.07.2004, 12:55
Madam Ilsija, address to the pediatrist, it is necessary for such tiny child to spend auscultation (auscultation), to inspect or examine a throat and a nose, the urgent help probably is required.