Просмотр полной версии : I 8 monthly grandsons had on cheeks an allergic crust. In anam...

Irina Sokolova
27.07.2004, 22:32
I 8 monthly grandsons had on cheeks an allergic crust. In anamneze--Diabetum at me and others dedushek-grandmothers. Children and the grandson live in Canada. Local doctors have written out hormonal ointment for the child. It is dangerous? From what age it is possible to put allergological assays to the child?

Irina Sokolova
28.07.2004, 07:15
I ask to answer my question on history 37619

Krivskaja L.K.
28.07.2004, 10:01
How much or As far as I know, there are no age restrictions for carrying out of allergological assays. Simply at the small child the allergic crust (diathesis) is not as those allergiej-it is reaction of an organism to introduction prikormov and other nutrition, t. e. chuzherozhnogo fiber. The organism while adapts. Though, besuslovno, the allergic component is, and some of such children, even having matured, suffer allergic reactions. Your Diabetum here and. And ointment in general is not dangerous, but to appoint or nominate it or her follows, if a diathesis really serious. To abuse it is not necessary. Better, let mum will try to reveal, what products usilivat a diathesis, and will exclude them from a ration for a while. It will be the best.