Просмотр полной версии : Uv. The doctor! At mine 8 years or summer daughters after the transferred or carried angina (at once prolech...

25.07.2004, 16:04
Uv. The doctor! At mine 8 years or summer daughters after the transferred or carried angina (at once have treated with an antibiotic) within 3 days by the evening freeze a foot of legs or foots, practically without the reason (the at home goes in woolen socks) WHETHER IT CAN be connected With HEART? In the rest at it or her complaints are not present. One year ago did or made US serdtsa-practically in norm or rate (small prolaps mitr. The valve) on an electrocardiogram - the ectopic atrial rhythm, passes in sinusovyj at a load) whether Is necessity now again to repeat inspections? Also what to us to do or make with legs or pinches? Whether it is dangerous? Thanks.

Tutelman K.M.
27.07.2004, 19:43
After the transferred or carried angina consultation of the cardiologist that he has looked or seen is shown first of all and has listened to the child - whether has appeared new hums, disturbances of a rhythm, etc. and already after that to solve it is necessary or not to spend EhoKG and an electrocardiogram.
As to legs or foots "direct" communication or connection of the specified signs with a pathology of heart is not present. It can be regarded as display of a vegeto-vascular dystonia (a spastic stricture of peripheric vessels) and danger in it or this any is not present.
Also see the information for parents on a site http: // pedcardio. narod. ru
To enter the name on consultation write to me on tutelman@mail. ru or fill the application for the site specified above.