Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To my son 1 1 month. Was born as a result of scheduled kesar...

25.07.2004, 01:20
Hello! To my son 1 1 month. Was born as a result of scheduled kesarevogo sections. According to neonatologov a fetus unripe. The standard bouquet of neurologic diagnoses (PPTSNS, VCHD has been put, etc.) Now, according to the neurologists, no clinical picture of diseases is present, development norm or rate. At nevrogloga to us the claim only one: the low tonus of legs or pinches, but the child goes, we do or make professional massage. I am am guarded only with one moment: if the child sharply to wake, when he strong sleeps, at it or him within several seconds the tremor of handles is observed, he extends them forward, they are strongly strained, expression of eyes absent (he does not understand, that occurs or happens). After you take it or him on arms or hand all stops without any consequences. Whether it can serve as a sign of any neurologic pathology? Whether it is necessary to pay attention to it or with the years all will pass or take place by itself?

Nogovitsyn V.J.
27.07.2004, 19:34
Theoretically - can, though very much hardly. Just in case show the neurologist and make EEG (whenever possible in a dream).