Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! It seems to me, that at the daughter (7 years) the temperature posl skips...

23.07.2004, 15:28
The dear doctor! It seems to me, that at the daughter (7 years) the temperature after reception of nutrition skips. If within day rate. =36, 7 two times a day she rises up to 38, 5, but not for a long time. It can be connected with meal?

Bolshakova M.A.
26.07.2004, 12:39
Is not present it is not connected. If this long time the child is a subject complex inspections for specification of the reasons of a febris

27.07.2004, 13:14
At mine docheri-2. 10. Sometimes happens t. 37.2 Through 5 minutes can be 36.6 Doctors speak that 37.2 is normal temperature for the child. It so?