Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the dear doctor! At my daughter of 9 years a myopia - 1, 5; - 2, 5;...

23.07.2004, 00:25
Hello, the dear doctor! At my daughter of 9 years a myopia - 1, 5; - 2, 5; an astigmatism (in the prescription on glasses or spots cylinders - 1, 25; - 1). Before there were from 6 years glasses or spots - 2. Were surveyed in January with an atropinization. Questions a little. The doctor has diagnosed a myopia of an average degree, before was weak. I considered or counted, that a weak degree up to 3 diopters. It not so? Glasses or spots for constant wearing Are appointed or nominated. Whether it is necessary to wear glasses constantly, including in the street, at driving from a hill, etc.? The Girl in a usual life fine is guided without them, and at school (it is a grammar school of full day till 17 o'clock) and them puts on, except for sports., the choreographer. Employment or occupations. Besides the doctor the hypoplasia of an optic nerve has written in the diagnosis, having explained, what is it at us was always, doctors easier or simply did not notice. Though we were surveyed many times, including and an atropinization, and about one year back at the same doctor only without Atropinum. To us have told or said, what is it it is not treated in any way, but also with anything special does not threaten, simply such structure. Whether it is necessary to us to search still for any doctor that podtverdit/to deny the diagnosis? Or it is valid not so terribly? Treatment is appointed or nominated: taufon in tech. A month every day in tech. Hour of 5 times, a phenylephine hydrochloride in a day on 1 drop in tech. 2 months. Confuses, that to summaries it is written, that the phenylephine hydrochloride expands or dilates pupils, and we would not like for it or this - and so did not write almost 3 weeks. How much or As far as these preparations are effective also to us necessary? It is still appointed or nominated: chernika-forte, Glycerophosphatum of a calcium and Cavintonum. At nevrapotologa it is observable - vegeto-the vascular dystonia, the raised or increased intracranial pressure, instability of a cervical department of a backbone. If this treatment is necessary, whether necessarily it or him to spend urgently, during an academic year? In advance boloshe thanks for the answer.

Gorlacheva L.I.
23.07.2004, 23:51
At your girl a myopia of a weak degree, complex or difficult miopichesky an astigmatism. The myopia, most likely, has progressing character. Presence of an amblyopia (lowered visions in glasses or spots) is not excluded also. The reason of an amblyopia in your case can be an astigmatism. Probably, therefore the doctor has appointed or nominated glasses or spots for constant wearing. However it is necessary to remember, that at presence of an amblyopia of one wearing glasses or spots insufficiently. Carrying out of special treatment Is necessary. Besides the progressing myopia also demands obligatory treatment. As to a hypoplasia of an optic nerve, as a rule, this pathology is anyhow reflected in vision as often it is accompanied by development of a partial atrophy of an optic nerve. Most likely, in your case it is a question of a variant of a structure of an optic disk, instead of about a hypoplasia. Efficiency taufona and a phenylephine hydrochloride at a progressing myopia sporna.

Gorlacheva L.I.
24.07.2004, 17:12
At your girl a myopia of a weak degree, complex or difficult miopichesky an astigmatism. The myopia, most likely, has progressing character. Presence of an amblyopia (lowered visions in glasses or spots) is not excluded also. The reason of an amblyopia in your case can be an astigmatism. Probably, therefore the doctor has appointed or nominated glasses or spots for constant wearing. However it is necessary to remember, that at presence of an amblyopia of one wearing glasses or spots insufficiently. Carrying out of special treatment Is necessary. Besides the progressing myopia also demands obligatory treatment. Efficiency taufona and a phenylephine hydrochloride at a progressing myopia sporna. The phenylephine hydrochloride does not render appreciable influence on tsiliarnuju a muscle responsible or crucial for accommodation. He only weakens or relaxs it or her, and on its or her working capacity which is sharply broken or disturbed at a myopia, does not influence. Taufon at a myopia it is appointed or nominated with the purpose of improvement of a delivery of an eyeglobe. As to a hypoplasia of an optic nerve, as a rule, this pathology is anyhow reflected in vision as often it is accompanied by development of a partial atrophy of an optic nerve. Most likely, in your case it is a question of a variant of a structure of an optic disk, instead of about a hypoplasia.

25.07.2004, 23:20
Lyudmila Iosifovna, many thanks for the answer. Concerning an atrophy of an optic nerve asked the doctor (t. To. Has read through, that such complication can be at the raised or increased intracranial pressure), me have assured, that the atrophy is not present - a nerve of normal color, but the smaller size. If nevertheless it is a hypoplasia, whether that is necessary any treatment and than it zabolevanie/anomaly can threaten? You would recommend to drip in our case taufon and a phenylephine hydrochloride? At a phenylephine hydrochloride in a day on 1 drop pupils will not extend up to such degree what it will be impossible to write? Perhaps, there are still any preparations about which our doctors in a province do not know? Excuse for such set of questions. Once again big to you thanks

Gorlacheva L.I.
26.07.2004, 19:25
Dear Evgenie if atrophies of an optic nerve are not present special treatment in occasion of so-called "hypoplasia" it is not required. In your case demands treatment progressing mipoija. Only taufon and a phenylephine hydrochloride are not effective. The special complex of the conservative actions directed on normalization of job tsiliarnoj of a muscle, on improvement of a delivery and strengthening of a sclera and other environments of an eye is necessary.