Просмотр полной версии : My child, to the son 7, pereodicheski has white points on tonsils...

23.07.2004, 04:24
My child, to the son 7, pereodicheski has white points on tonsils, then holes from these points. What is it such? When we get to loru (on record) a proside, or these points are not present. They of white color, not transparent and when are rinsed have similarity with cottage cheese granules. Please, prompt, what is it can be? Temperatures at the child are not present.

Balashova T.L.
24.07.2004, 16:33
Svetlana, at your child is formed an adenoid disease. It is necessary to treat it or him.

26.07.2004, 03:29
And what is this white points? There Is it or him a name?

Balashova T.L.
26.07.2004, 16:25
They are called caseous fuses. These fuses in lacunas of sick tonsils when they depart are formed, lacunas gape, making impression of holes.