Просмотр полной версии : How to struggle with a thrush in tongue at novorozhdenoj. Whence it undertakes and ka...

25.07.2004, 11:27
How to struggle with a thrush in tongue at novorozhdenoj.
Whence it undertakes and how to warn?

The doctor Belief With.
25.07.2004, 23:01
Dear Jury! There Is a probability, that we deal not with a thrush, and with so-called " a milk or dairy sucker " - rather characteristic phenomenon at activly sucking newborns. If you vse-taki suspect a thrush - check up: process the amazed or struck site of a mucous oral cavity of 2 % a solution of baking soda. If it is a thrush, she vskorosti will disappear. Continue to process after each feeding, and also keep irreproachable hygiene of an oral cavity at malyshki. Health!