Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! To my son in 1 mes have put suspicion on a dysplasia...

24.07.2004, 04:48
Hello, the doctor! To my son in 1 mes would put suspicion on a dysplasia t joints (I know, that the diagnosis such is not present and what to do or make, the orthopedist did or made it) Have told or said to not swaddle, toddlers, pampers. 3 mes the diagnosis of roentgens. Have confirmed, lechenie-an electrophoresis of a calcium, phosphorus 15, 2 courses of massage of the expert, and I daily, pillow Frejka. The roentgen in 6 mes-the same diagnosis, but will put. Dynamics or changes, treatment to repeat, other, greater size of a pillow = 24. At this time prorezyvalis a teeth, and I was delighted, that we have a chance to cure the child (we have entered the first into same time prikorm as at the son was it is serious. allergich reaction on we enter. Phosphorus.) As a result we have spent a magnetotherapy, 4 courses profes. Massage and I daily, in 1 year - rentgen--will put. Dynamics or changes, osteal heads are symmetric, aligned or centred in hollows, predilection to coxa valga. The orthopedist did not look the conclusion of the roentgenologist and napisal-DTS, plosko-valgusn. deformats. Stop. kliniko-the roentgenologist. Improvement. In 6 mes was not kostn. Heads on pictures. A pillow has allowed to remove or take off and has told or said, how the child will want to sit and stand itd so let and there will be, and a treatment again an electrophoresis with a calcium and phosphorus, PMP, MASSAGE, vit D and gluconat of a calcium (the rachitis is), bandaging stop in protivopol. Position, a roentgen ch z 4 mes and survey. Tell or say your opinion (it is not necessary only about the diagnosis) I it or him utochnju-I shall achieve correctness of its or his statement, and you save pozh-that my letter and a roentgen I shall try to send. Thanks.

Porohnja V.S.
25.07.2004, 01:41
That orthopedist at which is bad is suspicions on dysplastic processes - the orthopedist should put the exact diagnosis (as it is done or made simply enough). And here continuous nonsense further has gone: " to not swaddle, toddlers, pampers "!!! In 3 months that have confirmed - suspicion? And the diagnosis what? In fact various diseases t/joints would be treated - to a miscellaneous!
Here on it or this at you both in 3 and in 6 months the same diagnosis - lechenie-that absolutely not correct, is done or made everything that the pathology was not treated. What here positive dynamics or changes - whence she vozmetsja? In what she consists? In fact by a year already all for a long time should be cured!!! Plosko-valgus deformation stop exists at all without exception of children till 5 years. About one year the child did not go yet - whence at it or him the crest or fornix stops can be generated and leave plosko-valgus deformation??? How you can achieve from doctors of the correct diagnosis when they work without the slightest representation about that than are engaged? With the same success it is possible and to achieve from you the competent diagnosis!