Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor. My girl 1.5 years at walking leans or bases, in osnovno...

20.07.2004, 17:56
Hello, the doctor. My girl 1.5 years at walking leans or bases, basically, on the internal party or side stops. The orthopedist at survey has advised to dress boots "on the contrary": left on the right leg or foot, right on left. Whether will do much harm it to the child?

Porohnja V.S.
21.07.2004, 07:02
And legs or foots at it or him not H-figurative?

22.07.2004, 14:47
Legs or Foots, really, slightly H-figurative. The doctor has told or said, is what is it characteristic for such age.

Porohnja V.S.
23.07.2004, 20:05
For a rachitis it is characteristic, instead of for age. The rachitis should be treated. On visible, he at many. Therefore the doctor also considers or counts, that he should be at all at this age.