Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon. Me very much excites, that ours dochenka (4 months) " not razgovariv...

22.07.2004, 09:00
Good afternoon. Me very much excites, that we dochenka (4 months) "does not talk". Ochen-very seldom babbles and it is short, though agukat have begun as it is necessary in 6 weeks. Besides she does not laugh or is not dared. In all sources write, that the child already to the extremity or end 3 months should laugh loudly. Prompt, with what it can be connected. And to what expert it is necessary to show the child.

23.07.2004, 13:16
Can show for own calmness to the neuropathologist, but it seems to me, that no trouble at you is not present. And how at it or her with hearing, you checked? That the child is not dared or does not laugh, still about what does not speak. At my girlfriend, for example, the girl never (!) smiled to mum. Mum, naturally, experienced awfully because in all books it is written, that the child in a month should smile to mother meaningly. And the daughter smiled to itself, but not mothers. Eventually we have joked, that, probably, mum to her " deeply is not nice ". Absolutely normal child, already 8 years, very clever and not on years the developed girl has grown. So do not experience especially. Can, yours dochenka simply reticent by the nature.