Просмотр полной версии : Hello, to my son of 14 years, on the basis of pictures diagnose always...

Tatyana 41 year
20.07.2004, 09:58
Hello, to my son of 14 years, on the basis of pictures the osteochondrosis and illness or disease SH-Mau " diagnose always ", all time the commission gave remission of physical culture for all year. Now the boy will go in 9 j a class, I think, can not take remission? He practically physically is not engaged. How you consider or count, whether lessons of physical culture will go to him on advantage or benefit, whether there can be he on them after a long hypodynamia? About what it is necessary to warn the teacher / in general he very much grubyj/or vse-taki it is better to take remission? I do not know, how it is better to act or arrive, advise. Thanks, success to you and a sound health.

d.m.n. Artemev A.A.
23.07.2004, 06:21
I would not advise to visit or attend to your son lessons of physical culture. The load can be inadequate.
At the same time he accepts employment or occupations by navigation, on a horizontal bar and so forth Well and remission of army.