Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor! To my son in 2 months there will be 12 years. Its or his body height on se...

Efremova E.O.
21.07.2004, 19:10
Hello the doctor! To my son in 2 months there will be 12 years. Its or his body height for today 139. We consulted at the endocrinologist, the osteal age corresponds or meets actual. The doctor considers or counts low body height physiological. We with the husband body height; on-164, ja-161 At me the adult daughter, body height 149 see Really nothing can kordinalnogo be undertaken for stimulation of body height, while eshchene late? The Child is engaged plavanem, does or makes charging or charge almost not ill or sick. e. That in our forces, we do or make, and whether the medicine can help or assist. In local experts I am disappointed, to that an example small body height of my daughter! Please advise what to do or make, in fact for a life of the future of the man it so is important!

Krivskaja L.K.
22.07.2004, 12:51
Dear. About! This question very often set, but, unfortunately, on it or him there is no answer. There will be that genetically zapragramirovanno. There were attempts to affect or influence final body height by a hormone of body height, but thus zones of body height (because sexual hormones start to be developed or produced even more intensively, namely they and I close zones of body height) were more quickly closed. In any case if to present, that it is possible to interfere in rostovoj process hardly you will find the doctor who will incur the responsibility eksperementirovat. And the more so, all similar preparations cost or stand sotni-thousand dollars. For you it is possible or probable only within the limits of any scientific job. Try to learn or find out, it is possible or probable gde-that similar research is carried out. Ring round the genetic and endocrinologic or endocrinology centers, can to you will carry.