Просмотр полной версии : Hello. Our pediatrist has diagnosed a rachitis of 2 degrees, but nichngo not p...

21.07.2004, 12:14
Hello. Our pediatrist has diagnosed a rachitis of 2 degrees, but nichngo does not register, except for 3 2 drops in day (which we drink from 1 month). What to do or make? Thanks.

22.07.2004, 04:31
The rachitis is not treated by vitamin 3. He in general is very harmful. Instead of it or him it is better to use lamp UFO. She can be in your out-patient department, or it or her it is possible to buy or purchase honey in any shop. Technics or technical equipment. poprobojti to descend or go on a site http: // www. dobrota. ru/home/home019. htm

22.07.2004, 10:46
Lamp UFO is applied with the purpose to strengthen development or manufacture of own vitamin D in an organism, in the summer doctors recommend a thicket to happen to the same purpose on the sun. And here correctly to dose out a ultraviolet it is necessary to be able, for it or this can break or disturb many biochemical processes in an organism, the microflora also can suffer.
And 2 drops of vitamin 3 - a standard dose for children about one year. The rachitis is a disturbance of mastering of a calcium and phosphorus in an organism. Vitamin 3 - the factor promoting normalization kaltsievo-of a phosphoric exchange. So all correctly to you have appointed or nominated.